Our Mission
The Brainerd Institute exists to fulfill the mission of our church by offering training and resources to equip every follower of Jesus Christ to fulfill his or her commitment to God's mission from the Scenic City to the nations.

These classes will equip everyone in the church to grow deeper in his or her commitment to Christ. The classes answer questions such as: What's the Bible about? What should we believe? How should we live?
Are you exploring a call to ministry? The apprentice program offers a change for those exploring God's call in their life practical experience in ministry with the ministries of our church while walking alongside our pastors and staff. The program will also expose the apprentices to great books on ministry and allow opportunities to engage with these books together and with our pastors and staff.
In partnership with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, we are able to offer seminary classes taught by experts that can be taken for credit toward a master's degree or audited for those who desire to dig deeper in their knowledge of God’s Word.